have ya ever considered yourself a BITCH?
Bump this question in your mind! Have ya ever considered yourself a BITCH?
Not literally, darling.
I mean those bitchy things, without being a real bitch.
I DID, and I guess it was ruuuuude...
It's kinda guilty pleasure for me... I like doing it, over and over again.
I love torching people -certain people, I assume- and getting their respons in returns. Though sometimes I felt guilty afterwards, but it was fun.
In fact, it is STILL fun..
Don't feel sorry, if you're ever trapped in this kinda feeling.
There's gotta be a reason why we did that.
My good friend once told me, everything happened for a reason...a good reason.
And there's gotta be good reason why we did that.
Maybe they had torn us apart once,
Maybe they were never there, just when we needed them most
Maybe they did not give a damn about us
Maybe they had disappointed us over, and over, and over, and over again,
Maybe we just had it enuff...
....and maybe, it's about time to be a bitch,
do some bitchy things, to the real bitches themselves...
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