Everybody has [an] ALIAS
Have you ever seen ALIAS?
Yup, it’s the one where Jennifer Garner has lots of ID. Da hell, for some people it’s only TV series, but for me somehow it kinda deals with reality. How come? Well, whether we realize it or not, we have our own alias.
It’s NOT a nickname...it's the name we usually use besides our real name. Why? Dunno, you tell me. I think my mom has one, and I believe she uses it for her email address. My friend makes his own new name, for his blog. I have one.
At least it's ok if you keep this ONLY for yourself.
And then, one day this thing happened.
Di suatu Sabtu sore nan ceria, saya dan seorang temen nyari satu warnet di bilangan Buncit. Karena namanya warnet, tentunya kita di-charge sesuai lamanya kita pakai [yes, Co, everybody knows that]... Dan berhubung ada banyak komputer yang bisa dipakai, kita mesti masukin dulu ID kita untuk memulai sistem billing-nya. So, I logged in with the one I used to use. Da hell, I used to use it, and nobody will give a damn about it.
...dan waktu pun berlalu.
[buka friendster....standar]
[cek email, which is dominated with mails from my mailing list]
[login ke YM, but it seemed everybody was enjoying weekend]
[buka blog, sedikit utak-atik template]
ding! Hampir 1 jam.
Tapi berhubung masih ada yang belum selesai dikerjain, PLUS temen masih belum selesai juga. So, I decided to extend the time, since it will only cost for several rupiahs. Apa masalahnya gitu loooooooooh... :)
Setelah urusan masing-masing selesai, saatnya buat bayar.
I believe we click the ‘finish’ button nearly at the same time.
Di meja pembayaran, keliatannya mas-masnya bingung, which bill goes to whom? Akhirnya...
[Hah? Sori mas? Apaan? ...Sampai akhirnya temen saya senyum-senyum sambil ngambil bill yang ternyata kepunyaan seseorang dengan login ABC...shit, I don’t like this...]
[Gong!!!! @#%%^#!@$%#! ...yea, rite... PERFECT!!!!!!!!!!!]
Di samping, temen saya cuman mesem-mesem, gantian nahan ketawa. Dan nggak tau kenapa, mas-mas itu juga senyum sumringah nggak jelas. Mungkin puas karena sukses tau siapa mesti bayar berapa..
[da hell!! Any problem with that name???]
...kepalang tanggung, I have to be the last one to laugh.
“Ya, saya? Kalo Mas siapa?”, sambil nyodorin tangan.
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