Monday, September 20, 2004

back in capital [updated version]

back in the capital...
it's like having a loooooong holiday -the never ending one.

it will never be easy to leave something [and someone] that you've had for quite a long time. 6 years is not a short period. It's been 6 wonderful years, and 2 of those I spent in a very faboulous team. BUT, every beginning has an end, and every end is a new beginning... This time, it's my turn to put an end on one of the best years in my life...

(Hope I won't miss any name, and this time I'll mix some of it with bahasa...)
a good friend and a great boss; a rare combination that you might not have in another place. A man that you can count on, or the other way round; put his great hopes on you. I will NEVER forget the day you woke me up, on 3 am in the morning, just to drive all the way to Jatinangor, since your old buddy refused to run... I'm glad we had one good chat for the last time. Waiting forward to hear anything from you...but please, don't expect me to drive all the way from Jakarta to Jatinangor on 3 am in the morning again, will ya?....jauh, giling... Titip GMHR dan Tikeu ya Dji...

Ginting a.k.a Abang
It's wonderful to have one last show with the best one. You are great, and will always be great. You are straight, but will not always be straight...hahaha! Satu-satunya orang [yang gue tau], yang menyamakan arti 'pelit' dengan 'perhitungan' [or whatever...]. Tetep pelit ya, or else you will only be common as others hehehe... Tell me whenever you're somewhere in the capital, but NOT for a free ride, kay?

Usie, a.k.a Sanusi
Teman mencelaku yang cantik dan sangat kusayangi...I will miss every lunch that we had; Ibu Putihnya Ikyu, KFC, Ten To Ten, Lomie Imam Bonjol, dll. I will miss every single time taking you somewhere; bungkus kado di Grow, masuk jalan sempit rumahmu, sampai masa-masa menunggumu di ABN Amro... tetep silet ya Jeng, anak-anak perlu digituin kok hehehe... miss you.

Neng Tikeu, my dearest and lovely sister,
kangeeeeeeuuun... akhirnya sebelum ke Jakarta, gue sempet nganterin neng ke rumah ya? :)) Hillarious, and a perfect team-mate. It's been great working with you, you are the best. I'll miss every single time with you; makan baso, makan cheese cake, dan makan-makan lainnya... Tetep seperti neng tikeu yang sekarang yaaa. Maap2in kalo selama ini suka nyusahin. Titip GMHR dan Pandji... Kalo ada apa-apa, kabarin yaaa...


temen ngobrol-ngobrolku di balkon, temen ngerokok bareng, temen cerita-cerita, friend of every single day I spent at the office - BUT definitely not a singing partner...I'll miss you. I'll miss those times I took you home [warning:cimahi], belanja di kota kembang,every single lunch we had, and -sadly- I think I'm gonna miss your singing... Promise me one thing. Selesein skripsinya ya? :)) If you do, I'll give you the name you've wanted all this time.Remember our 'lil secret? :)

Arief, the angel side of me
You are perfect, unique, and sick! You deserve being in the team. Take all the chances given there,'coz you'll be great. Kalo dipikir-pikir, lu emang sisi malaikat gue ya? Sama-sama sabar kalo dicela,sering jadi obyek penderita, but the most important thing is, [hopefully] people can count on you.Jadi, kalo ada yang minta lu berkelakuan kayak gue, be proud okay? :p ...kiddin.Sama kayak Ditta, selesein skripsi lu ya, nyet!

gue agak bingung mau naruh elu dimana sebenernya... :)) anyway, perbanyak pergaulanmu dengan library ya nak... you'll be doing just fine.

dearest the rest CLASS #2,
now there will only be 3 of you. Indra, temen dari awal banget, mulai siaran jam 12 malem. You've been doing a great job, and will always be, since you're the leading male of the class now. Gamila, this swee'pea is leaving. Thanks for every single thing. Keep singing, kay? I know one day I'll be seeing you on TV, and I'll be proud to have you as my friend... I'll miss our great times together. You'll be doing great with a great man beside you. Firly, my f***in' lovely shoe-fetish slut, I miss you already. Miss the times we shop, eat, watch TV, chat, SMS, and other great times I spent with you. It's been a pleasure to be your company, all the way. Titip-titip ya Fir... [you know what I mean :)]Guys, you are all great!

Kang Iwaaaaaaaann...teman bergosip yang sinting dan menyenangkan, kunci utama dari Backstage, hehehe... bakal kangen party yang ada Kang Iwan-nya nih (ya know what I mean :p) Tetep up date gosip ya kang! Dan tentunya pesen terakhir, kasih tau kalo nomernya DIA berubah yaaaaa...! (ngerti kan dia itu siapa? hehehe...)

the operators -now and then...
Ikyu darling, si pemilik pantat kenyal dan sintal... I will be missing Bibi Cerio... A LOT!!! Sukses ya Kyu, on everything. Andriew [sekarang sih udah nggak ya :)], you have the honor to continue the 'holy' mission. Titip GMHR ya, ndriew. Feel free to call anytime. You'll be doing just fine. Happy sayang, tetep pertahankan struktur wajah batakmu yaa. Jangan galak-galak, mereka bukan anjing buat dimakan kok :)) Anuuuu!! Glad to have you -officially- in the team! last, Acooong, the man who misread me all the way, hahaha!!! Gue bakal kangen semua sugesti yang lu bikin, though most of them missed, and only 10% hit the rite spot...

all the ROCKETEERS, thanks for everything...
you are all day, you'll all be the talk of the town, as long as you take all the chances you get. Terry, menjawab SMS terakhir elo, I already heard your best show on my way back to Jakarta. Puri, remember all messages I sent you? Keep it as our 'lil secret okay? I love every single show you have, and hopefully I'll still get it whenever I am there. Kie-yang, the next big thing, asal tetep humming ya, jangan kayak gue :)) siapa lagi? oya, Trie, you're one ofthe kind... don't change. soon, you'll be great.
Wish you all the best luck and life...

the rest of the team, that I'll never forget... Kuroda & Hendrik; Adit, yang sukses mensubsidi bulan madu di saat-saat terakhir; Dini, the loveliest sister I ever had, from the very very first start, up until now.Inget masa-masa dulu Din? hehehe...; Vivi, the nengkiest neng-neng ever, makasih buat semuanya ya... Jangan nangis lagi ya? Sedih liatnya. :) ; Hekaaaa, yang gue kenal dari waktu masih jadi operator, sampe jadi cabul seperti sekarang hahaha; Mas Danu, yang mudah-mudahan bisa jadi yang terbaik untuk saat ini; Marisa, yang mudah-mudahan juga bisa menangkal segala bentuk 'gangguan' yang datang; Hadiiiii, the one you can count on anything. You're the best!!! Maap kalo kemaren2 sempet ngerepotin yaaa...; D'Yudinssss, yang selalu bisa diandalin kapan pun dan dimana pun; Toto dan Dani, yang selalu siap memberi ransum pagi hari! ...gue bakal kangen sarapan di kantor; last but never be the least, Pa' Dede, Pa' Ahmad, dan Pa' Misna, the best out of the rest.

and those who come and go, during the best period of my life there. Not to mention Mbak Rei; Mas Willy; Zaki; Benny; Mas Nuki; Rahma & Yogi; my Padang buddy Aldi; big bro Buddy ['big' dalam arti sebenernya yaa... :) I'll miss the timeswe spent together! Shop, kota kembang, dine, and sleep :))]; lovely Amesh for every single thing [inget, yang bikin kita nggak pacaran itu cuman agama! :)]; Iwet, makasih buat semuanya ya, jalan2, ide2, nemenin bikin celana,dll; Ina yang sabar dan selalu siap diandalkan... everybody!Thanks for playing an important role in my life. You are the best gift I ever had. It's an honor to work with you guys.I'll treasure everything we had not in my mind, but in a private slot in my heart...

Love ya all...

Thursday, September 02, 2004 allow me to miss you all...

Once, I had an argument with one of my defensive friend :))
'Is it okay to miss people'??

He said that he never miss people.
He didn't miss any friend that had left his past life,
even his 4-years-long ex-girlfriend.
He will only miss his family, her current girlfriend, and people who are dead...
He said, people come and go,
and you will only be tired, if you miss those people...

Not for me,
I will still miss people.
I believe we will miss things that won't be as '...' as it used to
...if you wanna meet them, it won't be as often as you used to
...if you wanna shop, chat, giggles, or even smoke with them, it won't be as simple as it used to
That's why -I think- we will always miss people.
For me, it has nothing to do with moving on.
You will still manage yourself to continue with your life,
eventhough you are missing someone...

since I will miss some of you,
this part of the song, are truly meant for you

"...terlalu indah dilupakan, terlalu sedih dikenangkan
setelah aku jauh berjalan, dan kau kutinggalkan...

bersinarlah terus sampai nanti...
bersinarlah terus sampai nanti...
...lagu ini, kuakhiri..."
[Ruth Sahanaya - Andaikan Kau Datang, Tribute To Koes Bersaudara]

That's the only part that fits, the rest means nothing in this blog.
Then, for those that I will miss a lot.
2 weeks, counting down...